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So far admin has created 9 blog entries.

Do Dreams Affect How Well You Sleep?


Do Dreams Affect How Well You Sleep? Whether you remember them or not, dreams are a normal part of sleep. Everyone dreams for a total of about two hours per night, and dreams can occur during any stage of sleep, although they’re most vivid during the REM phase. If you’ve ever woken up [...]

Do Dreams Affect How Well You Sleep?2019-10-17T04:33:39+00:00

How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?


How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? Sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being. We spend up to one-third of our lives asleep, and the overall state of our "sleep health" remains an essential question throughout our lifespan. Most of us know that getting a good night’s sleep is important, [...]

How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?2019-10-17T04:27:23+00:00

How Sleep Is Different for Men and Women


How Sleep Is Different for Men and Women There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be [...]

How Sleep Is Different for Men and Women2019-10-17T04:26:18+00:00

3 Signs Your Mood May Be Affecting Your Sleep


3 Signs Your Mood May Be Affecting Your Sleep Though it may come as no surprise that people find it harder to fall asleep when they’re emotionally wound up, the relationship between mood disorders and quality sleep is a complex, two-way street. Just as negative mood states can make getting a good night’s [...]

3 Signs Your Mood May Be Affecting Your Sleep2019-10-17T04:24:51+00:00

Is Your Thyroid to Blame for Your Sleep Issues?


Is Your Thyroid to Blame for Your Sleep Issues? There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to [...]

Is Your Thyroid to Blame for Your Sleep Issues?2019-10-17T04:24:07+00:00

How Sleep Affects Your Immunity


How Sleep Affects Your Immunity When it comes to your health, sleep plays an important role. While more sleep won’t necessarily prevent you from getting sick, skimping on it could adversely affect your immune system, leaving you susceptible to a bad cold or case of the flu. To keep yourself sniffle-free this season, [...]

How Sleep Affects Your Immunity2019-10-17T04:15:48+00:00

Why Do I Need A CPAP Machine?


Why Do I Need A CPAP Machine? If you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), there is a good chance your doctor wants you to wear a CPAP machine. Anybody that has one knows they can be a bit challenging. Some are bulky and not exactly the most attractive piece of equipment [...]

Why Do I Need A CPAP Machine?2019-10-17T04:18:58+00:00

How to Conquer Insomnia


How to Conquer Insomnia Insomnia, which is Latin for "no sleep," is the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep. Insomnia is also used to describe the condition of waking up not feeling restored or refreshed. According to Dr. Mark Mahowald, Professor of Neurology at the University of Minnesota Medical School and Director [...]

How to Conquer Insomnia2019-10-17T04:17:15+00:00

When Overtiredness is Overwhelming


When Overtiredness is Overwhelming When unexplained, excessive sleepiness persists for weeks or months, or fatigue is so over-whelming that it’s hard to carry out daily activities, it may be a sign that you have a sleep disorder. According to Maqbool Arshad, MD, Medical director of the Aurora Sleep Disorder Treatment Center at West [...]

When Overtiredness is Overwhelming2019-10-17T03:59:08+00:00